Thursday 4 October 2012

More Secrets to Increasing Sales

So how do you get existing customers to buy from you more often? I don’t know your specific circumstance so I’ve got to be pretty general here to try and cover as many bases as possible. But if you look at the maths (I’m pretty keen on this!) it could make a real difference to the sales and profits of your business.

Say you have a product/service you sell for £50 to your customers on average 4 times a year. What happens if you can get them to buy once more from you? That’s £50 more from each customer and you only need 4 of your already happy customers to buy once more from you to replace a new customer. If you have 500 customers then  that’s £25,000 in extra sales right there. Can you see why this could be really powerful?

So how can you go about this?

If you’re in retail and you sell to consumers there’s lot of things you can do and I’m sure you’re already doing some of them. For example if you have a seasonal sale and offer extra discounts to your loyal customers. This could be enough to encourage them to come back to you for some extra bits and pieces they wouldn’t normally have bought.And might just give you the opportunity to sell something else to them while they're there.

A general one we can all use is send a newsletter to keep them informed of what’s new (or the new lines you have) and how you can solve a particular problem they might be facing. You may be able to give them some tips that will generate some thoughts about how else they can use you.

You might even be in the type of business where you can give them a call when you know they may be running out of a particular product. Or you know they have a challenging situation you could help them with. This can be used by personal services too eg hairdressers, dentists, beauticians, gyms/trainers ('hello, haven’t seen you in a while').

None of this is rocket science it’s really just looking at ways we can help customers, because after all we’re here to solve their problems in some way or another.

Next time I want to look at increasing customer spend and how you can increase your sales by solving more of their problems (and perhaps ones they didn’t even know they had!)

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