Thursday 29 March 2012

How to do everything and still have time left

In  a small business you wear lots of hats and if you're like me when you started your business you try to do everything yourself. 

One day you wake up frazzled and poor and wonder what exactly are you doing? It's called overloaditis. OK I just made that up, but we don't want to spend more money than we need to, right? And it's just not sensible spending money on getting someone else to do something we're no good at and that takes us 4 times as long, right?

As the Americans would say - let's do the Maths! You're doing your own bookkeeping, you hate numbers so you procrastinate for an hour (or two) before you sit down and do it. If you're hourly rate is £50 an hour that's already cost you £50 and you haven't done anything yet!! Then multiply that rate by 4 when you do something as it takes you much longer. So what are we up to for that month? Well let's be generous and say it takes you 6 hours, that's £300 plus £50. How much would it cost for a bookkeeper? Even if they charge the same hourly rate as you it would cost you £75.

You've also lost opportunities - how much could you have sold in that time? Or what else could only  you do for your business that would reap rewards?

And don't even get me started on if you answer your own phone. Instead of being interrupted midway through something and answering with a snarl. You could get someone really pleasant to answer and take a message. Freeing you up to do what you're great at.

Don't get sucked into false economies! Do yourself a favour and only do what only you can do....

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